Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Miracles & Mission

For the past two weeks, I've been surrounded by conversations revolved around the need for miracles and the supernatural in our proclamation of the gospel. As interesting it is to talk about missional strategies and discipleship models, the framework and structure is essentially lifeless without incorporating people whose lives have been encountered by the living God. We really need to believe that God can work miracles, that we can receive a prophetic word for another, and that we can caste out demons and call forth peace for those around us.

It's so easy to fall back into a place where the supernatural becomes unpractical and unlikely. We revert back to the natural means of communicating the gospel and we tuck away the supernatural options into our old keepsake boxes. We mix it along with all the other objects that represented a radical childlike faith that once caused us to rely fully on the Holy Spirit. The courage and leaps that were once highly esteemed as youth have now become childlike to a fault, irresponsible and not relevant for this context or demographic. At what age do miracles become not relevant? At what level of education or towards what demographic is prophetic words unnecessary? There comes a point where many of us stop believing that God heals, that he speaks, and that he intervenes in our world. We say we believe in our minds, but our inaction reveals the true state of our faith.

The video below is a great preaching by a friend named Brian Orme who inspires us to do missions in a way that involves a greater reliance on the Holy Spirit. Side note, this guy is one of the funniest preachers I've ever heard. I hope you receive as much out of it as I did.

Brian Orme - Spiritual Warfare

1 comment:

  1. Yes, supernatural is something that is set aside sometimes, even when the people involved know its power. Yet, when we split the word in two, we suddenly feel more powerful, because "super" suddenly magnifies our powers. Why would we not want to feel powerful, if not all, then most of the time? We make the choice.
    Jan Tincher
    Angel Author
